Where Tennis, Gin and PC Gaming Dance a Merry Waltz

I like tennis. Women's tennis, to be precise. I don't have time for the men's game because it takes far too long and I'm usually busy working. I work as a proofreader, translation-checker and - for shits 'n grins - I'm a writer. First novel's in the oven. I also like gin, although I don't get as much of it as I want or need or think I deserve. Expensive stuff, gin, and most of my hard-earned goes on my two brilliant little boys. When I'm not working, getting drunk, watching tennis or playing with my kids, I also really enjoy PC gaming (and the occasional Wii-ing). Oh yah, I live in Poland. Viva Las Polska, I love this place.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Wall Joke, and a Musical Interlude

Old Gold.
So, it's 2013, let's get this show on the road already. Today I found two things which made me very happy (and it's not even one o'clock yet!). The first is the above comic masterpiece. Yes, it's old, but the presentation here is particularly fine. It comes to us today courtesy of Redditor CHIM-CHIM, here.

The second thing I found comes to us courtesy of those musical American opinion-dividers, Green Day. Now, I've never been a fan of them per se, but I've always enjoyed the hit singles. I remember back in '92, in college in Florida, they were very hot with all the art students. I understand that since then, they've evolved (which is the worst thing any artist can do in the opinion of some of their fans (c.f. The Clash, Weezer et al)).

Anyway, I don't give a shit either way, I just like what I hear, and I heard this one on ESKA Rock whilst putting the dishes away this morning. Here it is - Stray Heart.

Bad heart, come back here at once!


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, it's almost embarrassing. Old-skool Green Day fans will hate me for liking a 'new' song, and new Green Day fans will just hate me anyway. Heh. :D
