Where Tennis, Gin and PC Gaming Dance a Merry Waltz

I like tennis. Women's tennis, to be precise. I don't have time for the men's game because it takes far too long and I'm usually busy working. I work as a proofreader, translation-checker and - for shits 'n grins - I'm a writer. First novel's in the oven. I also like gin, although I don't get as much of it as I want or need or think I deserve. Expensive stuff, gin, and most of my hard-earned goes on my two brilliant little boys. When I'm not working, getting drunk, watching tennis or playing with my kids, I also really enjoy PC gaming (and the occasional Wii-ing). Oh yah, I live in Poland. Viva Las Polska, I love this place.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Wizards Can Do Anything (Eventually)

Wizards Can Do Anything
The whole book is illustrated beautifully throughout, by the talented Dariusz Twardoch
So, funny thing. Someone sent me a link to this little beauty today. In a nutshell, it was my first book editing assignment, which after seeing the English translation, became full-on ghost-writing.

It's a fantastic children's story, written by a really nice guy called Dariusz Chwiejczak. We worked on this together back in Q4 of 2007. Every Sunday we would have epic telephone conferences about the text; my changes, his ideas and so on. He was very engaged in the process and it was truly a great collaboration that bore an English fruit which I think may even have had a slightly different taste to the original.

That original version was a self-published run of hardbacks in Polish. He then commissioned an English translation, which is what I worked from. I still have my hardback copy somewhere. Unfortunately though, the timing wasn't quite right back then for an  electronic edition, and after a while it sort of disappeared from sight. Until now (I assume).

I have extremely fond memories of that project, unlike about 90% of all the work I've had since then which has had no greater effect than slowly eroding my will to live. Seeing 'Wizards...' up there on Amazon filled me with an alien feeling I haven't known in an absolute age: Pride.

Hey, you gotta get a little duma now and then, right?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

FIRST POST! /golfclap

If you've read one post on this blog, you'll have read them all. Sit back and watch an endless array of Agnieszka Radwańska pictures blur before your eyes. Or maybe just two or three, depending how motivated I get with this thing. Probably just two then. So, sit back and watch two pictures of Agnieszka Radwańska and a few aimless thoughts about being drunk, working, playing computer games and ogling WTA stars. Sometimes all at once.
Fun things that happened today: Did loads of work (a tourism mobile app, an iOS game and a boring financial thing); watched two episodes of The Big Bang Theory (yes, I am that hip - Bazinga!); added another couple of thousand population to my Sim City Social city over on Farcebook; started this blog, and added the words 'WTA', 'Agnieszka', 'Radwańska' and 'blog' to Chrome's appalling EN dick-tionary (warning: dick jokes might be a thing with this blog, I'm not sure yet. Maybe just a passing phase I'm going through).

Fun things that happened this week: Hacked my Wii, allowing for infinite varieties of Mario to be played with the kids; rooted my phone, allowing for infinite near-identical apps to be crushed into its tiny memory at once; updated Guild Wars 2 with the Lost Shores shit without any of the slowness or problems other people seem to have had, and saw a brilliant shark movie on PULS that I hadn't seen before. Sharks - particularly Carcharadon carcharias - give me the horrrrrnnn, yes they do.

Fun things that happened this month: Screwed up yet another wonderful relationship with a dear friend; drank loads of really good unpasteurised beer (less gas, more taste); watched some brilliant tennis at the WTA Championships in Istanbul, and... ehhh... probably some other things too, but fuck it, that's good enough a cross-section of my activity to give you some idea of who I am, and whether or not you wanna stick around.

Well, that's enough fun for one post, especially a First Post (omg lol etc). See you anon.